Soccer complex campaign afoot
Soccer complex fund-raising committee members, from the left, Curtis Krahn, Royden Loewen and Norman Anderson review plans at the 40-acre site where the soccer complex will be built. The fund-raising committee for the new Steinbach Soccer Complex have announced a fund-raising campaign for the project that will get underway immediately.
Committee members Royden Loewen, Curtis Krahn and Norman Anderson made the announcement Tuesday at the site of the new 40-acre complex in the west end of the city near L.A. Barkman Park.
Fund-raising committee chair Royden Loewen stated in a news release "we are elated that City Council has provided leadership, first in designating land for the Complex and then recently deciding to move ahead with engineering plans for the Complex."
Two years ago the city made the land available for the soccer complex but wanted the local soccer community to initiate fund-raising for the project. Recently the City decided at their study session to proceed with the engineering plans for the site, which will cost $15-$20,000 to complete.
Steinbach mayor Les Magnusson says although he believes a complex such as this is good for the community, "it is too early to say at this point to what level the city will get involved in the project beyond the engineering plans." City council will again review the project at their February study session.
Loewen says their committee is "committed to raising a portion of the funds required to have a full nine-field state-of-the-art complex built, one on which the more than 500 Steinbach children and 100 adults can enjoy a full season of play." Added Loewen, "we hope the time of scattered poorly drained fields will soon be in the past and that the enthusiasm for this healthy, inclusive and thrilling sport of soccer can grow even further in the community."
Estimated cost to finish the entire project is as much as $700,000 and Loewen says they hope to raise at least 10% of that total. They are hopeful construction on the new complex can get underway next spring or summer.
Loewen notes that in their fund-raising efforts to date they have been encouraged by the positive responses from local businesses and parents. The Hanover Kickers Soccer Club, which oversees all soccer in the community, is also involved in the fund-raising effort. Fund-raising letters are being sent to all parents and individuals involved in soccer in Steinbach this past year. Donations are being made through the City of Steinbach so an income-tax receipt can be issued.
Initial access to the new soccer complex will be through the new Southland Church parking lot. Eventually Woodhaven Street will be extended along past L.A. Barkman Park, which will be the access to the Steinbach Soccer Complex from the city. The park will also be accessible by bicycle and walking paths.
Different fund-raising options are available such as monthly donations with post-dated cheques. Donation levels are: Community Platinum ($1,000), Community Gold ($500), Community Silver ($300) and Community Bronze ($100). A parallel corporate fund-raising drive is also underway.
Rounding out the Steinbach Soccer Complex fund-raising committee are Paul Reimer and Ken McAllister.